You can connect to one or many Bushel-powered grain buyers using different phone numbers and/or email addresses. To connect your accounts:
- Using the web app, in the upper-right corner, click your initials.
- In the menu, click Data.
- Click Integrations.
- Next to the box labeled Bushel, click Connect or the gear icon to manage settings.
- Click Sign In.
- Enter the phone number you use to log in to the app from your grain buyer(s) in the Bushel Network. To connect to ADM contracts, sign in using the email you use to log in to the ADM FarmView app.
- You will receive a text message or email with a verification code. Enter the verification code, then click Continue.
- Select the check boxes next to grain buyer(s) you’d like to import contracts from.
- Click Next.
- Confirm the buyer list is correct.
- Click Save.
- Click Return to Bushel Farm.
- You will not see all your grain contracts from the connected grain buyers.