Assigning a marketing crop to a cash contract

To effectively use the Marketing feature to track your breakeven price and profitability throughout the year, you will want to create marketing crops and ensure they are assigned to corresponding cash contracts in the Contracts feature. Reference this article to learn how to set up marketing crops. 


A marketing crop will automatically be assigned to cash contracts when:

  • There is a marketing crop created before contracts are automatically imported. 
  • The contract contains a Crop Year, Delivery Start Date and Delivery End Date.
  • If the contract was imported automatically from the Bushel Network and doesn't contain a Crop Year, a Crop Year will be automatically assigned based on the delivery range. Delivery range guidelines include:
    • Corn: September 1 to August 31
    • Beans: September 1 to August 31
    • Wheat: June 1 to May 31
    • Cotton: August 1 to July 31
    • Rice: August 1 to July 31
    • All other crops: September 1 to August 31
  • If there are multiple marketing crops created for the same commodity in a crop year, contracts will automatically assign to the marketing crop that was created first.


To manually assign or edit a marketing crop to a cash contract:

  1. In the Contracts feature, locate and open the contract you would like to associate with a marketing crop. 
  2. Click Edit details.
  3. Under Marketing Crop, click the box to see a list of existing Marketing Crops to choose from and select one. 
  4. Once a Marketing Crop is selected, click Save.



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