Understanding the "Details View" of cash contracts in the Contracts feature

You can view the details of any contract by clicking on the small downward arrow to the left of the contract. After doing so, you will see a view like what is shown below.


Contract Detail View_2024-02-22.png

Edit Details. Your ability to edit the data fields of a contract depends on whether or not the contract was automatically entered or if you manually entered the information.

  • Automated-entry contracts from Cargill and other buyers in the Bushel Network contain mostly uneditable data fields because the information for those contracts is sent directly to Bushel from those buyers. 
  • Manually-entered contracts are fully editable.

IMPORTANT: If you are an Essentials or Business plan subscriber, you can edit the Marketing Crop field of any contract. You must assign a marketing crop to all of your contracts to ensure that your Marketing feature calculations are up-to-date and accurate.

Contract Status. There are four different contract status types.

  • Open = Undelivered and unpriced.
  • Closed = Delivered and priced.
  • Unpriced = Delivered, not fully priced
  • Unfilled = Fully priced, not delivered.

Green or Yellow Highlighted Prices. Green-highlighted pricing is final. Yellow-highlighted pricing is in progress and calculated using the estimated basis you set up for the marketing crop and/or the current futures market price (nearby month for old crop and harvest month for new crop).

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