You can downgrade your subscription by using Bushel Farm on the web or the mobile device you used to subscribe.
Important: Please be sure to manage your subscription using the app that you used to purchase the subscription. For example, if you purchased your subscription using our iOS app, you should also make any changes to that subscription using the iOS device.
Web App Subscription Management
You can use Bushel Farm on the web to downgrade if you most recently updated your subscription using Bushel Farm on the web.
- In the menu, click your initials.
- In the menu, click Subscription Plan & Billing.
- Click Manage subscription if you would like to view other subscription options to downgrade to. Click Cancel subscription if you would like to cancel instead of downgrading.
- If you clicked Manage subscription, you can select a new plan or add-ons.
- Click the checkbox next to I agree to Bushel's policies, terms and conditions.
- Click Confirm changes.
Apple iOS Subscription Management
You can use the Apple iOS device to downgrade your subscription if you most recently updated your subscription using iOS. Follow these steps provided by Apple to manage or cancel your subscription.
Android Subscription Management
You can use Android to downgrade your subscription if you most recently updated your subscription using Android. Follow these steps provided by Google Play to manage or cancel your subscription.