Understanding how the Profit & Loss feature works

The Profit & Loss feature automatically uses information in your Bushel Farm account to provide you a Profit & Loss statement. It is organized and summarized by crop(s) created in the Marketing feature. You can create multiple crops of the same commodity for situations such as tracking Irrigated and Dryland Corn separately.

Here you can find what data is being used to populate each cost and revenue category:


Expense Summary

Land: these costs are generated from the agreements you enter in the Land Cost feature.

Seed, Fert, and Chem: these costs are generated from the purchases you enter in the Inputs feature and the amount of each input used when logging Activities. When logging an input purchase, you specify the product and cost. When logging an activity, you enter the input and the rate. The Profit & Loss feature combines all the seed, fertilizer, and chemical costs from activity records and organizing them at the crop and field level. 

Activity costs: these are the operational costs associated with each activity logged on the crop. You can customize activity costs in the settings. 

Other expenses: these costs are logged in the Other Expenses feature and can represent categories such as crop insurance, utilities, and fuel for example.


Revenue Summary

Crop sales: these amounts are being generated from the contracts you enter for the Marketed crop. 

Other revenue: these amounts are being generated by the Other Revenue feature.


Fields Summary

Each field that is associated with the Marketed crop will be listed under the Field summary section to show profit and loss at the field level.


Related articles:

Add a grain contract to your Marketing plan

Logging Activities

Editing Activity Cost

Logging an Input purchase

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