Bushel Farm Online Help
Contracts and Connecting to Grain Buyers in the Bushel Network
- Understanding the "Details View" of cash contracts in the Contracts feature
- Understanding the "List View" of the Contracts feature
- What is the new Contracts feature?
- Connecting your Bushel Farm account to your Bushel-powered grain buyers
- How do I know if my grain buyer is in the Bushel Network?
- What subscription plan do I need to access Contracts?
General Information
Getting Started with Bushel Farm
- Best Practices for Setting Up Your Bushel Farm Account
- Adding fields
- Exporting field boundaries from John Deere to import into Bushel Farm
- Grouping fields
- Adding crops
- Adding the same crop to multiple fields
App Troubleshooting
- Machine Data Partner Permissions
- I don't have access to features that I once did
- I can't log in to my account
- I'm getting an error when trying to create a new account
- How to log out of the app
- How to delete and reinstall the mobile app
Managing Your Plan and Account Settings
- How to update your billing information
- Subscribing to Bushel Farm
- Feature add-ons
- Downgrading your subscription
- Resetting your Bushel Farm password
- Changing your Bushel Farm email and alert preferences
Managing Your Farm Data
- How do I download monthly rainfall totals?
- How to download information from Bushel Farm
- Missing input information on activities created by machine data
- Adding input mixes
- Editing a field's information
- Redrawing field boundaries